Over the last month, the Occupational Therapy NI team have been busy developing their range of work place assessments:– Jobsite Evaluations– Ergonomic assessments– workstation assessments– functional capacity evaluationsto name a few.
Many people with health conditions often have difficulty carrying out their work role and as a result absenteeism is on the rise. This has a financial implication for both the employee and employer. It is believed that absenteeism costs the UK economy £100 billion per year.
Did you know, Occupational Therapists have the unique skills required to assess an employee’s function, their work environment, their job role and provide a very specific individualised set of recommendations which will enable them to remain in or return to work.
A common worry for employers is that work may aggravate an employee’s health condition. However, with the right support an employee can remain productive in their work role.
As Occupational Therapists, we strongly believe that there are more benefits to being in work than being out of work.
If you are an employee, employer or insurance company with any of the above concerns, don’t hesitate to get in touch to see how Occupational Therapy NI can help: info@occupationaltherapyni.co.uk